[Solved] I click "attach a file" but plugin not working, nothing happens, JS conflict*
I click "attack a file" but the plugin not working, nothing happens:
you can try with: test pass test
you can try with: test pass test
Sembra proprio / fileupload.js è danneggiato. Prova a scaricare e reinstallare il plugin FileUpload
disabilitare il plugin prima reinstallare, quindi attivare
quando abilitare verificare se ci sono le impostazioni, le nuove versioni a volte devono essere abilitati nel cruscotto
dopo la reinstallazione, prima di permettere, andare a / cache e cancellare file con estensione. ini, alla fine, quindi eseguire l'utilità / update
vanilla version please? plug-in numero di versione?
questa è la nuova versione
si potrebbe anche provare ad eseguire utility / struttura dopo aver reinstallato la nuova versione
uncaught exception: Invalid JSON:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Gdn_Upload::Parse() in C:\xampp\htdocs\vanilla\plugins\FileUpload\class.fileupload.plugin.php on line 716
anybody help?
There was an error rendering this rich post.
It was working last week, now suddenly it refuses. I took Camo's advice an updated to 1.5.2 and it still didn't work.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
- That worked - installed the new version of vanilla
There was an error rendering this rich post.
I have vanilla & FileUpload 1.52 that are the newest versions since I downloaded them yesterday, but I still have the same problem & none of the prior "fixes" work. It does the same thing in the normal & embedfriendly themes.
It now works! I noticed that a file called blank.php wasn't in the views folder because it is 0kb & would not copy. I ended up making a copy of another .php file in that folder, renamed it blank.php & deleted everything in it. Once I did that, files get uploaded. WhooHoo!