Where can i find old versions of File Upload!??

edited October 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Where can i find old versions of File Upload!??


  • camocamo New
    edited October 2011
    This may help, I found the file class.fileupload.plugin.php from earlier version 1.4.0
    I dont know if this will work but it might be worth a try.
    First, download and save the same file from your current version (just in case)
    Then delete it from your server. upload this in the fileupload plugin directory.

    Good luck. (if it dosent work, delete it and reupload the version you saved, no harm done. Dont forget to disable fileupload before you do any of this.

    download here http://trac.mathweb.org/planetary/browser/trunk/plugins/FileUpload/class.fileupload.plugin.php?format=txt
  • This may help, I found the file class.fileupload.plugin.php from earlier version 1.4.0
    I dont know if this will work but it might be worth a try.
    First, download and save the same file from your current version (just in case)
    Then delete it from your server. upload this in the fileupload plugin directory.

    Good luck. (if it dosent work, delete it and reupload the version you saved, no harm done. Dont forget to disable fileupload before you do any of this.

    download here http://trac.mathweb.org/planetary/browser/trunk/plugins/FileUpload/class.fileupload.plugin.php?format=txt
    Thx Camo. I've try.. nothing
  • camocamo New
    edited October 2011
    Sorry , did you try /utility/update after you changed the file?
    Maybe not work anyway :(
    What version is your forum anyway?, it might be better to upgrade your forum, the latest fileupload works very well indeed, there are also new plugins made for the very latest version of vanilla.
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