My Vanilla Suggestions ;]

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi! I have some Vanilla suggestions... * polls * discussion tags (and tag cloud, like Web2.0...) * statistics * jabber/mail notifier (real-time ;]) * enhanced BBcode and simple WYSIWYG editor by default Yep, that's all. And thanks for the sweetest forum on the web ;] PS. And what about Swell?


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    I did a cloud tag test a while back using an off the shelf thingie ->
  • Yep, but built-in tag cloud will be much better... And one more suggestion: * forum logo (like phpbb logo in top left corner; specified by settings panel...)
  • I'm still convinced tag clouds are the spawn of the devil.
  • but they're so cool and useful and not at all ugly or annoying
  • They're useful in the right place.
  • Yeah, gonna have to go with Bergamot... tag clouds are one of the surest signs of the coming of the anti-christ.
  • edited February 2006
    They're useful in the right place.
    As long as "the right place" is on somebody else's site, that I never have to visit.
  • Used to give a visual idea as to what's popular on a site, I find 'em handy, but as a primary method of navigation, they're often quite annoying. is an example of a site that *should* be useful, but that tag cloud is just a hinderance. YMMV.
  • Also, keep in mind that I think that tags are a great concept, just not tag clouds.
  • As long as "the right place" is on somebody else's site, that I never have to visit.
  • 1996 has been reinvented, I will call it 1997, but smarter!
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