Shoutbox not showing - see clear all etc. but no box to type

edited October 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
As written earlier in the year, I get , but nothing more.

I have enabled users to be able to post and view, all permissions set right, but can't see anything. If I select clear chat box, it goes to a blank-like page which just says "Shout Box"

it's odd. Any ideas?

Best Answer


  • You could try the new version hosted at my github repo, but with the new version the shoutbox will be shown on an extra page, not on the sidebar.
    If you need the shoutbox on the sidebar, it would be best if we meet in real time using google talk, icq or something similar...
  • Hi, sorry for my late reply and thanks for your reply. I have installed the new version from your repository, and now cannot see it at all! I imagine this is because it is hosted on another page, but I do not know where.
  • caerostriscaerostris ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I'll PM you, if we find a solution I'll post it here...
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