Additional functionality for Vanilla API?
I'm very new to Vanilla but was attracted to it due to the possibility of a baked-in web services API ( However, this API seems to be for read-only access to the data. Are there any plans to extend the API to allow modification of discussions, user data, etc.? Even if the API will not go all the way to being fully RESTful, just a basic CRUD interface for the main elements (users, categories, discussions, posts) would be great.
EDIT: If there are no current plans for this, can you point me in the right direction to put that functionality in myself?
I'm very new to Vanilla but was attracted to it due to the possibility of a baked-in web services API ( However, this API seems to be for read-only access to the data. Are there any plans to extend the API to allow modification of discussions, user data, etc.? Even if the API will not go all the way to being fully RESTful, just a basic CRUD interface for the main elements (users, categories, discussions, posts) would be great.
EDIT: If there are no current plans for this, can you point me in the right direction to put that functionality in myself?
Best Answer
x00 MVP
This a basic idea just messing around as a plugin:$PluginInfo['ExtendAPI'] = array(
'Name' => 'ExtendAPI',
'Description' => "ExtendAPI",
'Version' => '0.1',
'Author' => 'me'
if (!function_exists('unserialize_xml')) {
function unserialize_xml($input, $callback = null, $recurse = false){
// Get input, loading an xml string with simplexml if its the top level of recursion
$data = ((!$recurse) && is_string($input))? simplexml_load_string($input): $input;
// Convert SimpleXMLElements to array
if ($data instanceof SimpleXMLElement) $data = (array) $data;
// Recurse into arrays
if (is_array($data)) foreach ($data as &$item) $item = unserialize_xml($item, $callback, true);
// Run callback and return
return (!is_array($data) && is_callable($callback))? call_user_func($callback, $data): $data;
class ExtendAPI extends Gdn_Plugin {
public function PostController_Render_Before(&$Sender){
if ($Sender->Request->RequestMethod()== 'POST') {
$RawContent = file_get_contents("php://input");
$Data = json_decode($RawContent);
//dependent on some basic xml parser in this case using SimpleXML.
$Data = unserialize_xml($RawContent);
foreach($Data As $NodeName => $NodeValue ){
SetValue( $Sender->Form->InputPrefix.'/'.($NodeName=='TransKey'?'TransientKey':$NodeName),$_POST,$NodeValue);
if ($Sender->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack() === TRUE) {
//TO DO validation, save, draft, etc.
//TO DO output succes/fail, etc
}else if ($Sender->Request->RequestMethod() == 'GET') {
$Sender->SetData('TransKey',Gdn::Session()->TransientKey());//'TransientKey' is strippped out so use 'TransKey'
}grep is your friend.
a) Default the Gdn_Form->InputPrefix = '' so that API calls can pass parameters in a straightforward manner. This has been done on a branch, but needs testing with javascript and css and whatnot to make sure it works.
b) Provide an oauth 2.0 endpoint so that users can sign in to the forum through the API. If you want to hack an access_token query string I'd tie into
and start a session based on what is passed into that query string parameter.grep is your friend.
I don't have time to continue right, but take the baton.
grep is your friend.
tags instead ofcode
tags.grep is your friend.
grep is your friend.
I suppose we can add a rule for code cascading inside a pre tag for those that are being truly semantically correct.
grep is your friend.
Thank you both very much for your help. I've taken the basic plugin you wrote and am working with it. Since I barely know any PHP, it's going to be very interesting. I'll post back once I have better results.