Clicking on discussions goes to the bottom.. how can i make it go to the top

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know this isnt a bug or anything, but is there any simple way to make it so that when someone clicks on a discussion link it goes to the first post of that discussion and not automatically to the bottom? it would also be good if it went to the clean url and not have that #Item_10 thing appended at the end. if take that "#item_x" thing out of the address bar and press enter, it goes to the first post, which is what i want.


  • they can click on the "started by" link under the thread title

    the idea is that if you're looking for new comments in a long thread that you've read before, you don't have to scroll to the bottom of the last page every time you enter the thread.
  • Account > Forum Preferences > Discussion list options > [uncheck] Jump to the last read comment when clicking on discussion topic.
  • thanks! do you also happen to know how to enable this by default for all users?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Can't be done without altering the code in 0.9.2.
    In the next rev it is a configuration setting.
  • im running 0.9.3 is that the next rev youre talking about?
  • edited February 2006
    On 0.9.3, open appg/settings.php and change
    $Configuration["PREFERENCE_JumpToLastReadComment"] = "1";
    $Configuration["PREFERENCE_JumpToLastReadComment"] = "0";

    appg/settings.php holds all the preference defaults.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Bergamot is on the right track, but you are not supposed to make any alterations to *any* files in the appg folder. Instead, you should open up your conf/settings.php file and add:

    $Configuration["PREFERENCE_JumpToLastReadComment"] = "0";

    The reason for this is that when upgrades for Vanilla come out, all files other than the conf folder will be overwritten. So, if you want your configurations to remain through upgrades, only make alterations in the conf folder.
  • Ahh yeah I always get those mixed up.
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