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ProxiConnect FATAL ERROR IN: Gdn_PluginManager.xAvailablePluginFolders();

edited October 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello, I installed the proxiConnect in the plugin folder, activated it, and then whent to uers/Authentication, and selected ProxiConnect from the drop down menu, and shows thw following error:

FATAL ERROR IN: Gdn_PluginManager.xAvailablePluginFolders();

"The "Gdn_PluginManager" object does not have a "xAvailablePluginFolders" method." LOCATION: /home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/library/core/class.pluggable.php > 163: // Make sure that $ActualMethodName exists before continuing: > 164: if (!method_exists($this, $ActualMethodName)) { > 165: // Make sure that a plugin is not handling the call > 166: if (!Gdn::PluginManager()->HasNewMethod($this->ClassName, $ReferenceMethodName)) >>> 167: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('The "' . $this->ClassName . '" object does not have a "' . $ActualMethodName . '" method.', $this->ClassName, $ActualMethodName), E_USER_ERROR); > 168: } > 169: > 170: // Make sure the arguments get passed in the same way whether firing a custom event or a magic one. > 171: $this->EventArguments = $Arguments; BACKTRACE: [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/library/core/class.pluggable.php 167] PHP::Gdn_ErrorHandler(); [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/plugins/ProxyConnect/class.proxyconnect.plugin.php 58] Gdn_Pluggable->__call(); [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/plugins/ProxyConnect/class.proxyconnect.plugin.php 58] Gdn_PluginManager->AvailablePluginFolders(); [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php 432] ProxyConnectPlugin->SettingsController_ProxyConnect_Create(); [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/library/core/class.dispatcher.php 290] Gdn_PluginManager->CallNewMethod(); [/home/content/57/7481657/html/vanillaforums/index.php 38] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();

Best Answer

  • Answer ✓
    I had the same problem and ended up rolling back to a previous version for the time being. Try ProxyConnect 1.8.3 or 1.8.4.


  • Answer ✓
    I had the same problem and ended up rolling back to a previous version for the time being. Try ProxyConnect 1.8.3 or 1.8.4.
  • Thank you Curtisoden, it is working now with ProxyConnect 1.8.4
  • You're welcome! I believe the later releases fixed some security flaws, so it's probably worthwhile keeping your eyes out for a new release that addresses this issue.
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