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Old Versions of the Voting Plugin conflict with Vanilla 2.0.18

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I just uploaded the new version of Vanilla to my server (after backing up my database, config file and uploads). Ran the install process (which was successful) and then cleared my cache, restarted my browser and went to my site.

I got the error message "Bonk..." which I presume is the standard error message.

I don't know what's caused this as everything seemed to work and my dashboard is working.

Best Answer

  • Answer ✓
    Fixed. The issue was the voting plugin that I was using. Thanks for your help.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited November 2011
    Enable debug messages to get more info.

    But I don't know why you removed your config file (if it was still there, you wouldn't had to go through the install process again)
    When upgrading, you just put the new file in place with the old config.

    Did you go to /utility/update too?

    Did you follow ?
  • It said to backup your config file so I did. I never removed it. I did however replace it with my backed up one when I found it wasn't working.

    How do I enable debug messages?
  • cf.
    We've changed that to something simpler:

    $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
  • edited November 2011
    I've added that line to my config but it's not showing anything.
  • No Bonk anymore?
  • There's is still bonk.
    I followed the update instructions by leaving my config there and then going to which said the update was successful.
    To my knowledge that is right.
    My config file is still the old one and still says version
  • When I go there: I do have the debug info.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited November 2011
    I'd ran /utility/structure too.
    It seems that GDN_Discussion is missing FirstEmail.

    The files are really updated:
    Application: Vanilla
    Application Version:

    Saying you ran the install process was misleading, as it's not an install, just updates.
  • Yes, the structure is saying I need to change something within the database. After clicking "Run structure & data scripts" it says "The structure was successfully executed." but when I re-scan the same structure error occurs.
  • Yes, the structure is saying I need to change something within the database. After clicking "Run structure & data scripts" it says "The structure was successfully executed." but when I re-scan the same structure error occurs.
    If it's about some Users stuff, that's normal.

    Sorry, don't know more than that.

    It seems that GDN_Discussion is missing FirstEmail.

    The error:
    Unknown column 'iu.Email' in 'field list'
    select d.Type as `Type`, d.InsertUserID as `FirstUserID`, d.DateInserted as `FirstDate`, d.CountBookmarks as `CountBookmarks`, d.Body as `Body`, d.Format as `Format`, d.DateLastComment as `LastDate`, d.LastCommentUserID as `LastUserID`, d.Score as `Score`, iu.Email as `FirstEmail`, lcu.Email as `LastEmail`, d.*, null as `WatchUserID`, null as `DateLastViewed`, null as `Dismissed`, null as `Bookmarked`, null as `CountCommentWatch`
    from GDN_Discussion d
    where d.DiscussionID in ('7')
    order by d.DateLastComment desc
    limit 30

    Check your database if all the columns exist?
    It seems that the update stuff doesn't update your database for some reason.
  • I've got this:

    The following structure changes are required for your database.
    update GDN_User User set
    Permissions = ''
    where Permissions <> '';
  • Answer ✓
    Fixed. The issue was the voting plugin that I was using. Thanks for your help.
  • Fixed. The issue was the voting plugin that I was using. Thanks for your help.
    Ah Yes, I remenber seeing that those renaming of FisrtEmail was changed, but as 2.0.17 -> 2.0.18 took 11 months, I forgot.
  • I've got this:

    The following structure changes are required for your database.
    update GDN_User User set
    Permissions = ''
    where Permissions <> '';
    Yep, normal. I remember one core dev saying so.

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