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SignIn form not working

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi All,

I have made changes by adding my own website header in default.master.php but now my SignIn form is not working when anyone try to comment on thread without login.


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    @shanta you are going to need to provide WAY more information than that.

    Start with what you added, and a link to the site so that people can look at it.

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    Sorry ddumont,

    I was not very much clear in my last post but i have fixed that issue. But what happening is now that at some places my website header sub-menu are not getting displayed while at some places it's visible, kindly any one look into the issue. I have implemented custom them of mine.

    Here is link to my site, right now header main menu drop down sub menu are working. But when click on discussion link, here drop down menu are not working.
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    sahotataransahotataran Developer, Bay Area - CA ✭✭✭
    might be because the above javascript is not included in the page

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    Thanks sahotataran,

    you are right community/js/library/ is not getting included in the discussion page. I have created my own custom theme where I have included own header and footer page in default.master.php file. It will be very helpful if any one could help why it's happening.

    I am not able to move forward, need help.

    Thanks in advance.
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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    First of all, you have duplicate html and head tags in your theme. This is incorrect html.

    Second of all, you are using relative links for your own js includes. When you are in in a discussion your browser thinks that you are in a different folder so the relative links will not work. You need to reference all your js, css, and images starting from /, not ../.

    This is all a problem with your html and not Vanilla.
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    Thanks Todd,

    I need your help, please suggest me that in which location I should place my js,css and images folder. Should I place inside mytheme folder?
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    sorry to trouble you guys but I am new to Vanilla. Right now when trying to include header starting from / it's not get included but when including without use of / header.php get included. But after that my SignIn form not working.

    Need help on this, is this due to my js or css files.
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    sahotataransahotataran Developer, Bay Area - CA ✭✭✭
    like TODD said you have duplicate HTML HEAD tags - please fix that first. and it show some Javascript error with the easing. try using some other theme and see if the sign in problem exists. if not then its problem with your theme.

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    Thanks TODD,

    I have removed the duplicate html head tag, and even SignIn popup working perfectly. But only when user try to comment on post without login at that time SignIg popup start loading and get converted in small gray circle.

    please see the link

    Need help, it's urgent. Now i am not using custom theme, using default theme but mad few changes in default.master.php

    SignIn popup only not working in discussion page.
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    sahotataransahotataran Developer, Bay Area - CA ✭✭✭
    edited November 2011
    try upgrading to vanilla, i see you are still using 2.0.17

    Please go through documentation on how to upgrade and make sure you create all backups before upgrade

    and why are you using including jquery 1.4.2 twice in your theme when the same is already included by Vanilla by default???

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Nope. Some other kind soul may take pity on you, but I won't help you with basic html errors.
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    sahotataransahotataran Developer, Bay Area - CA ✭✭✭
    how about Todd???? :)

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    Thanks for the guidance Todd and sahotataran..
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    Thanks lot guys, great with the help of your suggestions I fixed the my SignIn issue and custom theme.
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