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File upload not working with vanilla

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi All,

I am FileUpload1.4.4 with vanilla and it's work for one hour. Now it's not working, when I click on attach file button nothing happen. In this forum i found lots of post where it was said that it is bug in previous version and it's fixed in vanilla That's why I am using the latest version and still FileUploading not working.

Need help buddy because with this feature any forum site is incomplete.


  • Options
    edited November 2011
    While debuging what I have found that function
    never get called in, file-uploading progress bar keep uploading. While fileuploading is working in my local server with vanilla so could you guy suggest me is it so. It's working in local server but not in the website.
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