Problem while importing the data from phpbb2.*

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I am trying to export my phpbb data to vanilla.

1. I used vanilla porter and it created the imported file for me in on the server: export_my_database_2011-11-19_204453.txt.gz

2. Now, I have uploaded this file to /uploads folder in vanilla installation.

3. Finally when I go to Dashboard -> Import, I see the file uploaded in uploads/ in the list, give my admin email/password and click Start. Then I get this error:
The import file is not in the correct format.

What am I missing?



Best Answer


  • Answer ✓
    I exported it again and it worked.
  • If you used MySql there are many option you may choose before exporting: you've left all as default or choosen something particular?
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