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Email Confirmation Role

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
It shows only member, Moderator and administrator in the dropdown
Version : the very latest version.


Best Answer

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓
    You need to give the Confirm Email role signin permission. If you can't do this then do one of the following:

    1. Create a new role for Confirm Email and give it signin and view permissions.

    2. Execute the following sql and then give Confirm Email signin permission.
    update GDN_Role set CanSession = 1 where Name = 'Confirm Email';


  • Options
    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓
    You need to give the Confirm Email role signin permission. If you can't do this then do one of the following:

    1. Create a new role for Confirm Email and give it signin and view permissions.

    2. Execute the following sql and then give Confirm Email signin permission.
    update GDN_Role set CanSession = 1 where Name = 'Confirm Email';
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