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Bonk message in all browsers

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I didn't notice when bonk happens. Maybe while signing in\out through site with Proxy Connect .

How to get rid of bonk message ?

Best Answer


  • Options
    422422 Developer MVP
    Weird... Clear cache try again

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Options
    Cleared cache, deleted cookies, relaunched Firefox - the same message..
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    edited November 2011
    Aaargh ... in other browsers bonk happens too.

    What to do? Help
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    AoleeAolee Hobbyist & Coder ✭✭
    put up the debug code

    $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
  • Options
    edited November 2011
    I don't know where this debug string is placed.

    With url
    I logged in as administrator and was removing plugins one by one
    then found out that Voting plugin crashes forum.

    Now I have the problem - how to setup Voting correctly.

  • Options
    Make sure you copy over the latest version of the voting plugin, which comes bundled with the last release.

    you place $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE; in your config

    grep is your friend.

  • Options
    edited November 2011
    Well, debug info reports that iu.Email field is absent. (version 2.0.18b4)
    Unknown column 'iu.Email' in 'field list'
    select d.Type as `Type`, d.InsertUserID as `FirstUserID`, d.DateInserted as `FirstDate`, d.CountBookmarks as `CountBookmarks`, d.Body as `Body`, d.Format as `Format`, d.DateLastComment as `LastDate`, d.LastCommentUserID as `LastUserID`, d.Score as `Score`, iu.Email as `FirstEmail`, lcu.Email as `LastEmail`, d.*, w.UserID as `WatchUserID`, w.DateLastViewed as `DateLastViewed`, w.Dismissed as `Dismissed`, w.Bookmarked as `Bookmarked`, w.CountComments as `CountCommentWatch`
    from GDN_Discussion d
    left join GDN_UserDiscussion w on d.DiscussionID = w.DiscussionID and w.UserID = 1
    where d.DiscussionID in ('1')
    and coalesce(w.Dismissed, '0') = :coalescewDismissed0
    order by d.DateLastComment desc
    limit 30
    ps Voting had worked about an hour. And then forum crashed.

    Now I cannot to turn on Voting . maybe field was deleted by some other plugin? and imho email isn't neccesary for voting :)
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    did you replace the plugin with the lastest version like I said?

    grep is your friend.

  • Options
    No, now installing latest version of forum and then try to.
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    the lastest verson of the forum has the voting plugin included, make sure you copy it to plugins

    grep is your friend.

  • Options
    unfortunately I don't see included plugin :(

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    x00x00 MVP
    Answer ✓
  • Options
    Super ! this Voting runs best.

    Thank You
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