two things I'm looking for - bookmarklet & nested comments

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, Newbie Vanilla user here. I did a search, but just in case it did miss these... I'm looking for an option to make threads in a nested form and also a marklet function for creating a new discussion based on a webpage (the one someone is looking at when hitting the marklet). Do these exist and I missed them, or is anyone aware of these as future features? Thanks, Steve


  • By "nested comments" do you mean those hideous USENET-style discussion hierarchies that are impossible to navigate? That would require a massive code overhaul and also a massive loss of good taste on Mark's part. The bookmarklet would actually be pretty easy, but I'm pretty sure they don't work in IE.
  • "By 'nested comments' do you mean those hideous USENET-style discussion hierarchies.." I am, but as an option. Some people prefer that layout though I can't account for their taste.
  • "The bookmarklet would actually be pretty easy, but I'm pretty sure they don't work in IE." Does anything?
  • The main problem I have with nested comments is they become a mess once they reach a certain size. Not only that, but you cannot easily reply to more than one person at once, due to the fact that your comment is nested under a single post you replied to.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited February 2006
    Nested comments will not be happening in Vanilla - at least not by me. I'm sure something could be written as an extension, but it would only ever be one level deep. The reason is that nested comments rely on the fact that you are always replying to other people's comments (normally by hitting a reply button next to that comment - imdb discussions are a good example of this). In Vanilla, on the other hand, you are always just adding to the discussion and not really replying to any individual comment.
  • nested comments confuse the bejeebers out of me.
  • sure bookmarklets work in IE.
  • Nevermind then.
  • Nested replies? KHAAAAAAAAAAAN!
  • Yeah having a nested and flat threaded message board is very confusing. If people use the flat view then they are just going to be replying in general (ie to "nothing" heh) and so the nested view will end up not making any sense. It's either one or the other.
  • Mark, would the bookmarklet idea actually be able to be pulled off? I imagine you would have to somehow pass all the arguments via URL to vanilla, all without confirming or actually submitting it.
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