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Embed Friendly?

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Are any of the other Themes on the Addons list embed friendly? Is the Embed Friendly theme (which must be included with the base Vanilla package since it doesn't seem to be on the Addons list) the only embed friendly theme available?

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    jspautschjspautsch Themester ✭✭✭
    edited November 2011 Answer ✓
    That's a good question. On a basic level most of the themes should actually be embeddable with no issues, by "embed friendly" they just mean there are some additional features that can help if you're embedding your forum, but not always. For example, as far as I know the only thing that makes the default EmbedFriendly theme embed friendly is that it's fluid-width and has an extra option to disable the sidebar (is it also somehow easier to override the CSS to match your site?). My Ozone theme has similar features built-in, but it's possible you won't need them.


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    jspautschjspautsch Themester ✭✭✭
    edited November 2011 Answer ✓
    That's a good question. On a basic level most of the themes should actually be embeddable with no issues, by "embed friendly" they just mean there are some additional features that can help if you're embedding your forum, but not always. For example, as far as I know the only thing that makes the default EmbedFriendly theme embed friendly is that it's fluid-width and has an extra option to disable the sidebar (is it also somehow easier to override the CSS to match your site?). My Ozone theme has similar features built-in, but it's possible you won't need them.
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