@lucasbytegenius how did you get the uploaded image to center in the window when clicked?
@lucasbytegenius how did you get the uploaded image to center in the window when clicked? On the demo forum? It's not working for me, but I do have this plugin installed: http://vanillaforums.org/addon/vanillafancybox-plugin
@lucasbytegenius how did you get the uploaded image to center in the window when clicked? On the demo forum? It's not working for me, but I do have this plugin installed: http://vanillaforums.org/addon/vanillafancybox-plugin Now thats very odd. I already had that plugin installed and it wouldnt work with the uploaded images. Maybe i broke it some how ....
margin: auto;
margin: auto;
That should cause it to center vertically and horizontally.Thank,s for your help! I appreciate it.