Problem with Vanilla Sky/Dirt style and Norwegian language
Hi there,
I'm having a problem with the Vanilla Sky/Dirt style and the norwegian language file. When "Text-mode only ON/OFF" is translated to Norwegian it doesn't make the box around it appear correctly, and it doesn't have the correct color. I thought I might be using too many characters or maybe it was the "Ã¥"-sign, but I tried to remove some characters and the sign but it still didn't appear correctly. The only way I could get the red or green box to appear was to have it say exactly the same as in the English language file.
I don't really know any CSS, so I don't know how I could fix this, but maybe someone here could help me out? My Vanilla forum is located at if that helps. :-)
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User: Test
Pass: TEST
It also looks like the box doesn't appear correctly in the standard Vanilla Style. Hmm.
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