Problem with Vanilla Sky/Dirt style and Norwegian language

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, I'm having a problem with the Vanilla Sky/Dirt style and the norwegian language file. When "Text-mode only ON/OFF" is translated to Norwegian it doesn't make the box around it appear correctly, and it doesn't have the correct color. I thought I might be using too many characters or maybe it was the "Ã¥"-sign, but I tried to remove some characters and the sign but it still didn't appear correctly. The only way I could get the red or green box to appear was to have it say exactly the same as in the English language file. I don't really know any CSS, so I don't know how I could fix this, but maybe someone here could help me out? My Vanilla forum is located at if that helps. :-) Edit: You can log in to the forum with these details (as a member): User: Test Pass: TEST It also looks like the box doesn't appear correctly in the standard Vanilla Style. Hmm.


  • I have seen this oddity as well under my theme, and I can't pinpoint what the issue is when changing the language file. I tried to access your forum but i recieved a parse error. For now however, I can safely say that with 0.9.3 on the horizon, I'll no longer be supporting the 0.9.2.x version of this theme and I'll start whipping up something fresh. So for the meanwhile sit tight.
  • It was unfortunate that you visited just as I was fiddling with the language file. But I guess I'll just have to wait for the next release unless I figure something out, heheh. I must say you've done a very good job with your styles by the way, I really like 'em. :-)
  • Thanks :D If I were you, I'd try displaying the text you want using an HTML equivalent where instead of using the actual characters you want, find the code that represents them so they display properly. It may clear up some of the issues.
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