Request for the "Addons" page on

PlatonPlaton New
edited December 2011 in Feedback
It would be great if there was a checkbox that said "only show me approved plug-ins" so we can avoid all the rest.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Good idea.
  • Bad idea, because half or more are unapproved.
  • Bad idea, because half or more are unapproved.
    I agree, unless the dev team was able to find more time to approve 3rd-party addons, and it seems like they're busy enough these days. I don't suppose there's any way the community could contribute here?
  • Yeah, I'd be willing to help approve themes and stuff, given some basic guidelines.

  • I have another request. I've noticed not only a lot of unapproved addons, but also some that were left unfinished/unupgraded.

    For example, the FeedDiscussions addon (from what ive read in comments) is approved but still needs some things added, like category selection and source URL. This would be an excellent addon for new forums to jump start their website.

    Also the Tagging plugin needs to be updated to include the newer tag cloud style display.

    etc etc

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