Php question



  • ithcyithcy New
    edited March 2006
    in fact, let me give you an example. just so you realize how dangerous it can be.

    that's right, include(), by default, will happily process files from remote sites.
    which means i could write any code i wanted and your file would process it right there, in place.
    which means i could write some code, to say, list out the entire contents of your directory tree and/or print the contents of any file from your site i want. or launch attacks on remote sites so that it looks like you're the attacker, or spam everyone on the planet, or whatever.

    do you see what i'm saying now? it's simple enough to prevent this kind of thing. you cannot include things from the query string. you just can't.
  • edited March 2006
    let me try
  • sure, i'm willing to help, if i can. you can try to describe it without getting into specifics like passwords and such - i'm sure you can figure out a way to lay it out.
  • ok I tried to include a php file from another website I have following the format you gave me for a url. I get:
    XML Parsing Error:  no element found
  • you're just going to have to take my word that it's a very real, well-known and serious security problem. it's known as code injection. in fact it's spelled out under "security warning" in the official documentation for the include function. i don't know how else i can warn you.
  • I'm in no way trying to say that you are wrong. I'm just wondering why it's not doing it in my case.

    I'll try to work on the wording of how my code is all layed out for ease of readability.
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited March 2006
    well, assuming that you don't have any xml functions in the code you're talking about here, that xml warning is coming from the remote site, which means it is doing it
  • I seem to be irritating you with my ignorance, haha. I'll post back with a more clearly written explanation of my problem later on.
  • no, not at all. sorry if i'm coming across that way!
  • In the meantime...

    So you can see what I'm working with, at least.
  • I tried emailing you but i got a mailer daemon error. Anyways, this is what I said: Yeah, I do have database access. I'm willing to assume I've gone about everything wrong and am open to suggestion and willing to do the base over again. Any help would, well, help. =P
  • you lost interest?
  • Do you know that you aren't whispering?
  • edited March 2006
    aye. Whispering didn't make the topic look unread to me nor did it notify that I had a whisper and so I didn't know he had whispered me until 5 days or so after. This way, it gives indication.
  • Yeah but you look like you're talking to yourself.
  • lol well in the last 2 posts I have been... :P
  • haha... i haven't been around in a while.
    no, i didn't lose interest. can you try emailing me again? it's a gmail address, you shouldn't have any delivery problems.
  • Ok, how would i got about checking to see if a variable was declared, and if it was declared, then echo something?
  • ^ question directed towards anyone.
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