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Voting Plugin Questions +

422422 MVP
edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

At present voting plugin, shows: ( no matter how i try to format for this post it mucks up )

So essentially, at present the voting plugin has the COUNT under the text, I want the COUNT over the text



I want it to show


Checked through the script, and I can kind of get there by editing voting.js, but am thinking there must be another simpler method.

Also, wish to change : Start a new Discussion ( on bigbutton ) have looked almost everywhere, but cannot find the hook for it.


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Best Answer

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    You can add a themes/yourtheme/locale/en-CA.php file and add whatever odd definitions you want in your theme.

    With regards to moving the content around in the voting boxes it's probably going to be difficult for you. If you don't want to use css positioning to move the stuff then you're going to have to look in the code to where the stuff is echoed and switch the positions. I don't recommend this second approach as you'd effectively be branching the plugin in that case.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    The questions/counts are rendered in You can search through for some of the text.

    You can change the text of Start a New Discussion with a translation in your theme or plugin or wherever. Have a look at our documentation under localization.

  • 422422 MVP
    edited December 2011

    Yeah Locales is great , I wish I had read about and used this earlier, its great. I have it set in forum/locales

    As this is a theme I am making, can it be moved to themes/locales ?

    Regarding the voting plugin. The issue isnt so much the text, its the appearance ( not css )
    Standard is:
    Title above count

    I am trying to get Count above Title.

    So it shows:




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  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    You can add a themes/yourtheme/locale/en-CA.php file and add whatever odd definitions you want in your theme.

    With regards to moving the content around in the voting boxes it's probably going to be difficult for you. If you don't want to use css positioning to move the stuff then you're going to have to look in the code to where the stuff is echoed and switch the positions. I don't recommend this second approach as you'd effectively be branching the plugin in that case.

  • Yeah CSS was a total no go. I figured, why reinvent the wheel .. lol.

    Was just a stackoverflow effect , really. But its totally cool. I can live with the way it is, no problemo.

    Regarding Locale. I was referring to Locales ( for definition list ) I tried integrating via themes, but it explicitly looks for them via applications ( and doesnt play ball via dashboard select )
    This isnt a big issue, I will have another play later. Getting a headache.

    On the plus side, Locales is a brilliant tool , really is.

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