How can I get embed Vanilla urls to redirect to my site?

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I have installed embed vanilla plugin in my wordpress install here.
the link is for embed vanilla page.
is for the home page of my website.

now, I have enabled remote url by providing the address to url as

the forum install is at

but suppose I post a link to my forum here as

I get directed to the vanilla forum, and not the embedded version of it in wordpress.

what I man is,

I get to this page when I clin\ck on the link.

Shouldn't be i redirected to

if I have enabled to view my forum through remote url?

Anyone please help me out on this.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Once your forum has been successfully embedded you need to go to your dashboard and look under <Embed> Vanilla. Right at the bottom is a checkbox that says Force your forum to be viewed through the Remote Url.

  • i have done it. Still it is not resolved. i had mentioned in my post above that I have enabled remote url view.

    Please help

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    It looks as though you are running an old version of Vanilla that had an issue with redirecting to your forum. The issue was resolved in

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