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Upgrade questions, IIS6 install

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


I have Vanilla installed on Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6. I realize that this is not per the requirements, and I am stating my installation up front. I have had no issues with my installation, and would like to upgrade it to 2.0.18. I have tried the other suggestion from an earlier post, about using, and it gives me a "Bonk" page every time. I am very unsure about what steps to take, and I'm completely unsure about how to backup my database before upgrading. Any help would be appreciated!



  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2011

    What is causing the Bonk is probably an older outdated plugin.

    Before upgrading, make a copy of your conf/config.php at the very least. After that, open your conf/config.php in a text editor and delete all the EnabledPlugins entries:


    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['HtmLawed'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Signatures'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['CustomizeText'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['VanillaSEO'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['ButtonBar'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Quotes'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['PostCount'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['embedvanilla'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Facebook'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Twitter'] = TRUE;
    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['OpenID'] = TRUE;

    Once this is done, you should be able to perform a utility/update with no bonk. Thereafter, attempt to re-enable your plugins one by one. Be advised that the Voting plugin in particular is known to cause problems and will need an update to the latest version on this site if you were using an older one with 2.0.16.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Thank you, Tim, for your suggestion. However, even after removing all EnabledPlugins entries, I had the same Bonk issue. I rebooted my server after making these changes, and I still had the same issue. Any other suggestions?

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