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Is jquery Required?

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


I was wondering if jQuery was required for vanilla? I'm not a fan of the library and develop in mootools, so I'm wondering if I have to use jquery for any particular reason?

Also, I want to integrate a forum in to a CMS I use so is the API easy enough to tie in to a CMS that has a decent API itself?



  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    jQuery is used pretty thoroughly throughout Vanilla so I'd say it is required, yes.

    Vanilla's API is currently only read-only so I'm not sure what you are actually trying to accomplish, but maybe this will give you some context.

  • edited December 2011

    It's a shame software is created with so much reliance on a specific library on the front-end. My search for a forum continues :(

    As far as the API, I just want to have a single signin idea so users on the site are logged in to the forums as well. I see the ProxyConnect plugin now so that's answered my questions about integration.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    You're entitled to your opinion, but I completely disagree. jQuery is a fine library and it allows us to do a lot that makes the forum nice to use. Spending a tonne of time to engineer the forum so that multiple javascript libraries can be use would be a complete waste of time. We want to get down to the business of building great ux. Not nit-picky engineering.

  • i would like to ask @rosscode what made you prefer mootools over jquery?
    i am myself fan of jQuery

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • You don't need a JS lib to post info to a database as you know. I am not saying to create a forum that allows for any JS lib to be used out of the box but why make a system that is actually reliant on it on the front end? I understand if it's required for admin functions but it limits theme creation. That's my opinion and I only asked if it was a requirement.

    sahotataran, I just prefer the OOP approach, reusable code using classes and it can do more than jQuery can. It might not have the user base but in my opinion it is a better lib for what I need for my developments.

  • RainulfRainulf New
    edited December 2011

    Thank you for sharing your insights @rosscode. I was quite curious myself as well =) I believe it's a matter of preference on this case.

    Funny how you mentioned reusable because that's what's jQuery is all about. Besides, using jQuery doesn't mean you won't be able to wrap it in class. ;) just take jQuery as a toolbox... to do more.. and write less. ;)

    I will check out mootools, seems fairly interesting.

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