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Is it possible to modify the registration process?

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


We want to create a forum where each category will have its own user role.

The purpose being, the member must choose which category they want to join when they register. The category will then match the user role. We specifically want each category to be independent, which is already possible with user roles and category permissions.

I understand the admin user can assign the role after the user has signed up, but I will not know which category they want to join without asking them to select from the available categories during registration.

So therefore, how do I modify the registration process so that I can present the member with a checklist of available categories, so that they can choose which categories they want to belong to?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


  • I wasnt gonna reply to this, but got me thinking. Not a bad idea.

    Some script you may wish to play with.

    Tutorial here

    Demo here

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  • Hi 422

    The question becomes, how do I integrate that code into the registration process?

    Are there any tutorials on that?

    Is there possibly an easier way to do this?

    Instead of modifying the registration process, I could let all new members join the General forum and then send out a welcome email listing all the available forums. They then choose which forums they want to join via a page built using the code you linked to, which is then emailed to me and I then process it manually.

    What do you think?

  • Perhaps you are overcomplicating.

    Creat say five different usergroups, and set forum permissions per usergroup, to access different forums. Then in regitration, create a select menu plugin, with choices for the usergroups and flag that user on success with a matching usergrp id in the db.

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  • Thank you for the quick reply.

    Unfortunately, when you say "create a select plugin", I wouldn't know where to begin :)

    Unless there are some detailed tutorials I can follow that can point me in the right direction.

    I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

  • 422422 MVP
    edited December 2011

    If i knew i would make one myself. However there is a profile extension plugin, this may be an alternative to play with for now Ive not used it though ... Yet

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • We have decided to rather open our forum for general chat.

    Thank you for your help 422.

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    When asking questions it would be useful to state your degree of programming ability. It may be hard to believe, but I'd say 75% of our questions are by people that want to do a deep modification to Vanilla, but have absolutely no programming ability whatsoever.

  • Hi Todd

    I think your observation is normal. As a non-programmer, I am not aware of what can and can't be done in Vanilla or the complexity involved.

    The answer to my question could have been "Sure, go to x file and edit lines 10-40".

    We won't know until we ask :)

    How do I mark this thread as closed?

    Vanilla prompts me to accept or reject an answer, but none of the answers fall into that category, as this turned more into a discussion, which has drawn to a close.

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