Issue with embeded forum

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I just started working with vanilla, and man, its sooo much easier than phpbb. I am having problems with my embedded forums. When I go to the dashboard and back to the forum, it will reload the whole page where only the forum is supposed to be.
you can see it here. I have made a temp account with user/pass help/help. It also happens soon as you log in. I was trying to stay away from iframes to load the forum, but i definitely need some advice on this issue.



  • you forgot to supply a link.

    grep is your friend.

  • Thank you. is the link. There is a temp user pass of help/help currently.

  • So, this is still an issue, if anyone is able to help me out. Thanks in advance.

  • I just tried to use the embedded forums on my site and had a ton of problems with it. On the advice of users here I disabled embedding and modded the theme to look nearly identical to my site. Works 10x better now, and I don't really miss the plugins at all.

  • I suggested this to my client and he does not like the idea. If I could just find the part that tells it to reload and set its target as parent then the issue will be solved. But, I cannot ind that part in the code. Well back to searching I guess.

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