How freaking cool is this?

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help Let's you basically publish your own books. So let's say I wrote a book about Vanilla, someone could purchase it from me and Lulu would print it and send it to them. Just as a comparison, 171 pages perfect bound, 6 inches by 9 inches, Lulu would charge $7.96 per book. Seems really cool. I personally hate reading stuff online...this seems like an easy way to get printed versions out to people. Anything else out there like it?


  • Certainly a smart idea. Cant remember if i've heard of a similar thing before but if i havent i wonder what took people so long.
  • that was started by bob young who started up redhat.
  • edited March 2006
    The only thing I would worry about is whether they claim ownership of the IP once they print it. EDIT: They don't.
  • Not to sound like an IBM ad or anything, but that's business on demand!! Cool idea. Opens up the publishing world to those without a publisher to be sure!
  • edited March 2006
    I think cafepress toyed around with that idea--must have dropped it.

    Wanna bet this book is made that way? Print-on-Demand Book Publishing
  • Seems like a nice idea, but what kind of criteria does your book need to meet before they decide to allow it into their stores? Obviously you can't just plagerize and cut up other books and claim it as your own, but is there any kind of publisher you need to clear with first?
  • Actually it's pretty wide bearth when it comes to publishing - I use it for selling photos and I will use it for a book I'm working on.
  • Vanilla could be open source book, a book that all could contribute :D
  • It could be an illustrated childrens book... About Mark's special powers.
  • Powers comparable to Wonderboy?
  • I have used Lulu for a couple of different books. The paper quality is fair, but overall it's great for physical and virtual distribution. Nice to get regular paypal royalties too!
  • "Powers comparable to Wonderboy?"

    Not quite the same as but comparable to...
  • Save the trees: the book
  • Kosmo, it would have to be hard cover, of course.
  • Sweet, my mum always says to me "Junior, why can't upload articles to the web and charge people to read them?" Well this would be perfect for her. Nice find.
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