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Yhaoo user can not recive conformation email?

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi Vanilla does not send confirmation emails to yahoo users id. I have tested many times and check if the email has gone to junk mail, but still nothing is there. When I sign up with yahoo ID, the registration going well and a pop up come at the bottom of screen say you must conform your email address. But no email has sent. I see the new user in my users panel as an applicant, with yahoo email is.

The second thing is I set the registration to basic type, when new user sign up and enter the security letter even the one part of the letter dose not mater which one still can sign up. The words has space in them if I enter the first or last part I can sign up.

The last thing is when new user sign up before they conform their email address they can share comment and start new conversation is this normal? But can not see start new discussion. Even I give the right to view only before they become members.




  • Check your mail server for bounced emails. Yahoo is possibly marking your server as grey/blacklisted and is simply returning all delivery attempts.

  • Hi where can I check for mail server?

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