PHP application help
I am currently working on a small php application with a flat file database. It is a small backend for a service called "Stooge List". It lets a user add a 'stooge' to the list, and also supports multiple entries bu adding a [x2] next to their name. (eg. Nathan Wheatley[x2].)
I basically have it working, but I can't get the count to work correctly. Could anyone take a look at it for me? I think it should bea relatively simple thing that I am missing here, but, I can't seem to find it.
If anyoe could take a quick look and see if they can find the problem, or where I am goinf wrong, I would appreciate it.
Here are the files (all 2 of them).
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$new = $old +1;
$new = $old;
Or leave and take out the
Otherwise the count increases by 2 each time.
Second your problem is the 'x' you have to catch the 'x' as well
$search = array($_REQUEST['stooge'], '[x', ']'); // catch the x
Just a thought though, for something like this I don't see a real drawback.