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Recommendations for WYSIWYG editor.

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

What is the best solution out there for WYSIWYG? cleditor causes script errors with Internet Explorer, so I switched to TinyMCE which comes with its own set of bugs, notably the duplication of text boxes mentioned here: Button Bar looks great, and would be ideal if it showed WYSIWYG. Am I missing something out there?

Best Answer

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    @Chris_Withers The reason we left cleditor and TinyMCE (may they rot in a fiery hell) is because they are, in a word, bad.

    WYSIWYG editors take over the comment box entirely, often beyond recognition. This presents problems for other plugins like Quotes, and Emotify, which need to be able to write to the comment area.

    They also add all sorts of (often slow) javascript shenanigans and triggers, leading to longer apparent load times and a slightly laggier client UI.

    Finally, they are all just Vanilla plugin wrappers around (big, complicated) existing libraries and are therefore almost entirely unmaintainable unless you are the author of the underlying library. When we get complaints about the cleditor plugin, it makes us look bad, and becomes a nightmare to support because we have to go wading through someone else's thousands of lines of javascript.

    Please kill me

    You can obviously use cleditor if you want, but keep the above in mind when it (invariably) bites you in the ass in the future :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]


  • Whats not wysiwyg about buttonbar, i may have misunderstood your question.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Perhaps I misunderstand the term, but I don't want my users to see the code, I want them to see the result. In cleditor and TinyMCE if you bold text it actually displays as bold in the text field. In Button Bar if you bold text it shows surrounded by asterisks, or by <strong> if you have html selected.

  • button bar isn't wysiwyg, but i've found that my users prefer it because it's easier to clean up things like quotes and other preformatted text in the code view. you might want to give it a shot and see how people react.

  • My users, I think, would prefer not to see the code. Maybe I'm underestimating them, but I'd prefer a wysiwyg. Is it common for cleditor to have problems in IE? I see a few similar threads, but no responses.

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    @Chris_Withers The reason we left cleditor and TinyMCE (may they rot in a fiery hell) is because they are, in a word, bad.

    WYSIWYG editors take over the comment box entirely, often beyond recognition. This presents problems for other plugins like Quotes, and Emotify, which need to be able to write to the comment area.

    They also add all sorts of (often slow) javascript shenanigans and triggers, leading to longer apparent load times and a slightly laggier client UI.

    Finally, they are all just Vanilla plugin wrappers around (big, complicated) existing libraries and are therefore almost entirely unmaintainable unless you are the author of the underlying library. When we get complaints about the cleditor plugin, it makes us look bad, and becomes a nightmare to support because we have to go wading through someone else's thousands of lines of javascript.

    Please kill me

    You can obviously use cleditor if you want, but keep the above in mind when it (invariably) bites you in the ass in the future :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Fair enough. I'll give it a try and see if I get a lot of flack for it. Thanks!

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    What community do you run, incidentally?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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