User passwords not moved over properly

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey. So, I just got into it with my former webhost so they dropped me (just a one man business). I went over to 1and1 for hosting and moved my DB over and all looks pretty sharp. All the users and the posts, etc work fine. Except, no one was posting. I wasn't sure why. Finally, my girlfriend and best friend both came to me on the same day to say that they couldn't log in. So, I ask them what they were doing. They went to the log in screen to login, and boom - nothing. So, I said - well - maybe the passwords got reset during the move. So, retrieve your password. They did that, got it reset, came with the new password - nothing. What do I need to do to get my users the ability to log in? It sounds like the passwords are either not writing, or are erroneous. What do you suggest?


  • Does it give them the message about having incorrect login information? If not, you're probably having session problems.
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