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Comment posting performance degrades between page refreshes

hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP
edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I realize this may not be a problem for most forums, but it effects my forum quite a bit.

If you proceed to make several posts, without hitting the refresh button, the performance of the post and page updates gets really bad. if you continue to push it you will start getting script timeouts and non-responsive script warnings.

the issue appears to be in the way the ajax calls check for new posts between the previous posts. not sure what can be done.

Best Answer

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    This may be related to some things we've already addressed in our 2.1 branch. I'll see if I can back port those fixes the 2.0.18 branch.


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