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Adding comment ID to comment meta class

hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP
edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

i'd like a plugin that adds the comment id number to the comment meta class. if anyone has already done this i'd like to avoid re-inventing the wheel, otherwise any help getting started writing my own would be appreciated.

Best Answer

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    I think you want to start with $Count = $Sender->CurrentOffset and then just increment it as you go through the comments.


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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP
    edited December 2011

    ok so i got a little ways but now am totally stuck. I used this code (hack of the quotes plugin) to display the comment ID on the comment. problem is, that number has nothing to do with the number of comments in the thread, it's the database entry id. so the 2nd comment on a thread started today on my forum could be comment # 28000. when im looking for 2. so can i modify the database queries (simply) to get the right number?

       public function DiscussionController_CommentOptions_Handler($Sender) {
       public function PostController_CommentOptions_Handler($Sender) {
       protected function AddPostNum($Sender) {
          if (!Gdn::Session()->UserID) return;
          $Object = !isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) ? $Sender->Data['Discussion'] : $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'];
          $ObjectID = !isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) ? 'Discussion_'.$Sender->Data['Discussion']->DiscussionID : 'Comment_'.$Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->CommentID;
          $postID = str_replace('Comment_','',$ObjectID);
          echo <<<POSTNUM
          <span class="PostNum">$postID
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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    so, i think i need the item number for the discussion instead of comment ID, but im sure thats a calculated value.

    can anyone tell me how to extract that for each comment?

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    I think you want to start with $Count = $Sender->CurrentOffset and then just increment it as you go through the comments.

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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    Todd said:
    I think you want to start with $Count = $Sender->CurrentOffset and then just increment it as you go through the comments.

    i quick test did not yield what i was hoping for

       protected function AddPostNum($Sender) {
          if (!Gdn::Session()->UserID) return;
          $Object = $Sender->Data['Discussion'];
          $Total = $Object->CountComments;
          $Count = $Sender->CurrentOffset;
          $postID = 'Post '.$Count.' of '.$Total;
          echo <<<POSTNUM
          <span class="PostNum">$postID

    displays Post of 26453
    so the current offset isnt on the sender object for either of the two hooks im using

      public function DiscussionController_CommentOptions_Handler($Sender) {
       public function PostController_CommentOptions_Handler($Sender) {

    thanks in advance for your help!

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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    $Count = $Sender->CurrentOffset;

    should be $Count = $Sender->Offset;

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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    while the controller offset wasn't the final answer, it led me to find the simplest cleanest solution.

    $Offset = !isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) ? 1 : $Sender->CommentModel->GetOffset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) + 2;

    there it is. one line of simple perfection.

    If i can figure out how to do it, i will post my new, ultra snazzy plugin for all to benefit from. (and bask in its glorious simplicity)

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    hbfhbf wiki guy? MVP

    My first official plug-in:

    Feel free to code review and let me know if I did something stupid.

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