File prefix

I know the filebrowser was previously change from using . as a file prefix for config stuff/thumbnails to now using _ as . caused an issue on some unix systems, but for some reason my new hosting setup (running cpanel) wont let me view files prefixed with _.
I also know that filebrowser isnt being touched code-wise for quite some time, but if i could put in a kind request next time you are playing with it to make the prefix a config option it'd be much appreciated mark.
Alternativly/in the mean time if anyone would like to provide me with some code changes it'd be nice.
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if ($Config->DisplayHiddenFiles == "false" && substr($Item,0,1) == "_") $RecordItem = false;
Sorry I can't give you a linenumber.
Also, remember to change any references to hidden files (like _config.xml) to their new name.
} elseif (substr($Item,0,1) == "_") { // Ignore "hidden" files