How to disable smileys?
I've installed this plugin for BBcode tags support, but got a thing I despise: smileys. Had I wanted to enable them, I'd install another plugin already in repository. @Todd, how can I turn them off? Thanks.
Best Answer
just delete them from the nbbc.php in plugins/NBBC/nbbc/ they should start in line 394.
just delete them from the nbbc.php in plugins/NBBC/nbbc/ they should start in line 394.
Thanks, found it. Still, Emotify plugin is in the core - why override it?
yeah that makes sense, i dont get it either... bbcodes should include the smileys at all since its something else.
NBBC includes smiley support as a core feature. There's no reason to code around it.
@Todd, why it is in NBBC, when there is other plugin in core, Emotify, that does exactly the same?
@Zverik. This is a really frustrating type question to get asked. Here is a generic answer as to why things are the way they are.
Sometimes I get snippy with people that ask these questions and they are left completely confused as to why I am this way. Well, it's because about 90% of the community thinks that it is our responsibility to code Vanilla exactly as they want for free. And every feature request is usually not even thought out for five minutes.
Is there a way I can disable the smiley functionality in its entirety?

My problem is this:
When I enable the addon, I get this in all the posts where smileys are located:
This only happens when I have NBBC enabled. All other smiley options are disabled.
Are you planning on releasing a version where smileys are not included in the code?
I recently merged from phpBB3 and have tons of posts with smileys in them, naturally.
But I needed this addon because BB-code was heavily used in all previous posts. This addon nicely makes photos appear in posts again, but this is the last thing I have to fix before I go live with my shiny new Vanilla Forums install...
I had the same problem, because index.php?p=/ was automatically being inserted into the URL. I just went into the NBBC/nbbc folder and edited the class.nbbc.plugin.php to have the full URL as the smiley locations, rather than just /plugins/NBBC/design/smileys. After doing this, it works fine!
I'm sure there are probably better ways of doing it, but it worked fine and I don't intend on changing the smileys locations at any time!