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[Solved] How can I change the properties of the Sign in/Apply box? (css issue)

whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP
edited January 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I can't figure out how to do this.

Using Firebug I can see that this is the part I need to effect:

<div id="Panel"> <div class="Box GuestBox"> <h4>Welcome to our Community!</h4> <p>If you want to take part in the discussions, sign in or apply for membership below!</p>

In css I've tried

#Panel .GuestBox



but neither of these seem to have any impact on layout/formatting.

I've tried adding !important, but no go.

I've had success with almost every other part of the Vanilla layout, but this has me stumped.

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?



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    whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP

    Just realised what I had to do:

    #Panel .GuestBox p


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