Simple Plugin Help

Yes, another person wanting help to make a plugin. I have looked at the documentation, and unfortunately, I am a teenager and the lack of pictures bores me. I sort of understand how the things work but can't get something to work.
This is to be a simple plugin to check if a minecraft server is online or not. I got the if statement from the web and added the rest to go with vanilla.
So simply I just want to put this in the Panel
< div class="Box MCServer"> <?php $mc_host=C('MCServer.Host'); $mc_port=C('MCServer.Port'); ?> < ul class="PanelInfo"> < h4><?php echo T("Server Status:"); ?>< /h4> <?php echo $mc_host.':'.$mc_port; ?> < /li> < li> <?php if (! $sock = @fsockopen($mc_host, $mc_port, $num, $error, 3)) echo '< font color="red">Offline< /font>'; else{ echo '< font color="green">Online< /font>'; fclose($sock); } ?> < /li> < /ul> < /div>
With an option in the dashboard to set the minecraft server's ip/domain and it's port.
Um, yeah, I think that is it. While waiting for answers I am going to have a look at some plugins and see if I can figure it out.
PS I can never get this markdown stuff to do what I want, I want HTML back!
Best Answer
hbf MVP
try looking at a plugin that adds an item to the panel, such as the who's online plugin. that should give you the info you need regarding hooks to add something.
Wrap your code in pre or pre and code tags
< pre> hello< /pre>
Pre and code
< pre>< code>hello< /code>< /pre>
I think
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Thankyou, wikipedia says otherwise
Did it work lol
There was an error rendering this rich post.
try looking at a plugin that adds an item to the panel, such as the who's online plugin. that should give you the info you need regarding hooks to add something.
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
Okay it works! First time I copied the TopPosters plugin and just deleted what I thought was superfluous (love that word) but kept getting bonks, and although changing in the config debug to true it wouldn't show the debug so I just went back looked over it couldn't find the problem and decided to go on a different path.
This time I jsut copied the TopPosters plugin replaces all TopPosters with MCServer and replaced the TopPosters div box with my one, and voila! Now all I need to do is slowly delete what I think is superfluous. Merci beaucoup pour l'écoute tous les!
this is quite an extensive plugin idea, and i love that you pointed out how to get it work, that rocks an i think we are all able to learn from it, thumbs up!
That is a very meaningful compliment to me, as will be explained in this brief rant.
I am do dislike people that go 'HELPZZZ!!! NOW PLZ ????!!!!' and want a plugin and then they go, sorry I am so noob at php.
I love learning and ever expanding my knowledge of things, albeit am very lazy which will override occasionally. I only know some PHP and learn more as I need it. I am not that familiar with the workings of garden and learn more as I need it. But the thing is that I like to tackle a nice problem. I start of by just making tweaks to other peoples plugins and themes and by having other peoples examples of how they tackled their problems I can see what they were trying to do there and how they did it and then copy and incorporate it into my own. As I get more and more confident I start improving on there methods where I see it, and that is how I become a more knowledgeable person. And that is how I think all people should strive to be.