[Solved] How do locales work? How do I clear cache? How do I delete files? Where is the any key?*
I went ahead and copied the locale/en-CA.php file, renamed it es-ES.php, and modified it as follows:
// Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 16:51:08 +0300
$Definition['UserInfoModule.Thanked'] = 'Agradeció a';
$Definition['Profile.Tab.Thanked'] = 'Agradeció a';
$Definition['Thanked by'] = 'Agradecimientos por';
$Definition['Thanked by %1$s'] = 'Agradecimientos por %1$s';
$Definition['ThankCommentOption'] = 'Agradecer';
$Definition['ExpandThankList'] = 'Expandir';
$Definition['CollapseThankList'] = 'Colapsar';
$Definition['UnThankCommentOption'] = 'Quitar agradecimiento';
What do I have to do in order for this to work? Thanks!
Best Answers
sahotataran ✭✭✭
you might sometimes have to clear your cache to make it work as well
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4 -
422 MVP
Cache folder , delete all .ini files
Clear local cache too
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Wait, it actually did work! I only had to disable/enable the plugin for changes to be effective.
you might sometimes have to clear your cache to make it work as well
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Cool. How does one clear the cache?
Cache folder , delete all .ini files
Clear local cache too
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This is an older post but there are no .ini files in my cache folder?
Nine and a half years and many versions old. You should start a new discussion and add some details to your question