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How is database-input handle? (newbie question)

edited January 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

This is probably a stupid question, but since I couldn't figure it out myself I need to ask it.

I've installed the vanilla forum ver. 2 on my website and i wanted to customize it a bit; I wanted to add another textbox-area to the "create a new discussion form" and have the input saved in my database table "extra-stuff".

I've figured out where to add the html code to have the extra textbox-area appear, but i can't figure out how the submit of the form is handled.

I only have experience with forms where the submit would trigger the action i.e. action='save_my_input.php'. I would then go to save_my_input.php and edit it to also save my extra textbox-area.

Vanilla forums doesn't use this method, so my question is:
Where is the code, that inserts a new discussion into the database / What file do i need to go edit to save my extra textbox-area?


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