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Spread - Beta Release

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is a small theme I have been working on. I put up a dummy forum for it here. User: demo Pass: demo This is just a pre release to get some feedback. Except more soon. I have a lot of things in the works. Download here.


  • wow thats pretty awesome for a beta. good work man
  • Looking good.
  • no way to see it without signing up for an account?
  • what do you think about mine?
  • Freedman read the post.
  • @corn13read: It's... er... Yellow? A little harsh on the eyes IMO. Keep it up though.
  • it is better i guess when you get in and actually comment and stuff because the colors change... thanks for the input though.
  • edited March 2006
    OK, got it. Very nice.... I like it, but I also don't have any problem with the default vanilla for my own site... except for problems that exist within yours as well (IMO)... certain colors are unreadable, at least on my powerbook g4, such as the footer text, back to top button, etc. On my site ( i've made them easier to distinguish.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hey Freedman, how are the colors on *this* version of vanilla? I turned up the contrast a bit when I made this new style, so some of those buttons should be more visible. The original css I did was on an old laptop with a really wierd screen - and I wanted those "light" buttons to be unintrusive on the eyes. Much later when I had launched the beta of Vanilla and I saw it on another screen, I was pretty shocked to see that some of those buttons were completely illegible. Doh!
  • outbreakoutbreak New
    edited March 2006
    it looks like you only changed the background color to dark grey and moved the tabs over. am i missing something?
  • They're all right, Mark--I think slightly better than the default for 0.9.2 that I had, which you had to kill your eyes to see... but still not easy to read. I get the idea of wanting it to be unobtrusive b/c that's what vanilla is all about, but it actually makes it MORE obtrusive when it's so difficult to read, because then you end up straining your eyes trying to deceipher it and figure out what those smudges at the bottom of the screen are. I would try making it a darker color... something like what I have on but you could do lighter than that... just not much. Overall though I can't find much to change in the design because I think the rest looks great by default (only problem I have is when the page gets small, the css gets a little messed up on the preview extension's "big input" button and the text entry field for comments stretches out past the css boundaries, but not that big a deal). I only wish you had a simple news/blogging/cms type system similar to wordpress, so I could use it for my whole site (I know you're working on something like that).
  • If we're still talking about the copywrite stuff then it looks easily legible on my dell 1905 tft.
  • very awesome
  • Yeah, just about everything appears legible here except the little copyright box in the sidebar, it's pretty much grey on grey which in itself is a tad bit difficult to read.
  • "it looks like you only changed the background color to dark grey and moved the tabs over. am i missing something?" Well what is your definition of a style. Also if you notice its just a pre release. "very awesome" Thanks. I'm going to have an update in about a week. Stay tuned. Any request?
  • outbreakoutbreak New
    edited April 2006
    well the actual content area still looks exactly the same as the default style.


    this looks almost the same as the default vanilla style except for some very minor font/link changes. i'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, i'm just saying that it doesnt look like you made enough changes to the default style to actually let it qualify as a theme.
  • It also clashes with the dark background, and the blue in "Spread". A very cool scheme, and it's probably already a given, just keep the scheme going all the way through.
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