Help: Error with PHP5 and high resolution photos ...

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have couple of problems with file browser. 1. My webhost has PHP4 with GD(PHP 4.4.2). I have a folder with some wallpapers there. I was able to generate thumbnails of 1600 x 1200 or smaller size files with thumbnailer.php . But, it is giving me some error for bigger files. I have some high quality wallpapers/photos ( 15MP and up- around 5000 x 3000) and they get some "internal server error" whenever I try to create thumbnail. May be thumbnailer has some limitation on file size ? You can try it yourself at ( Go to folder wallpapers->15MP wallpapers). 2. Since it was giving me error on my webhost with thumbnailer, I tried to check it out on my home computer with PHP5 ( PHP 5.1.2 on OS X) on it. Now, on this PHP I cant even use file broswer, it just fails with fatal error. If I fall back to PHP4 on my home computer then everything is fine, except that I cant check out thumnailer.php on my home computer with PHP4 , as OS X default install of PHP4 has no gd support. PHP 5 has all goodies. So it seems file browser has problem with PHP5 ? I have uploaded the error html file and screenshot on the same website ( ) under FB Errors. can someone check those two issues and let me know whats going on ?? Thanks.


  • edited March 2006
    #1 is a known issue with GD:

    Why does gd cause my PHP script to run out of memory? Most often, the problem is that the memory_limit parameter in php.ini is set to something very conservative, like 8M (eight megabytes). Increase that setting and restart the web server. Of course, opening truly huge images can cause real memory problems, if several are open at once. 8,000 pixels times 8,000 pixels times four bytes for truecolor equals a walloping 256 megabytes.

    As for #2, filebrowser was written for PHP4, there may be some minor compatibility problems.
  • I will try to see if I can change the value of memory for GD in php.ini . Although I think I probably wont be able to change it on my shared server hosting. As for # 2: Is PHP5 support planned for file browser ? or it will only be updated for PHP6 ?
  • You might be able to change it using a .htaccess on your shared hosting. Not sure though. Mark isnt doing any work on FB in the near future, i guess it'l be updated to whatevers predominant when he does re-start development on it.
  • Btw, as for the php5 issues, try changing the <?'s in the .php files to <?php's. I seem to remember that helping on someone elses site.
  • If you can get the thumbnailer to work on your computer, you could simply upload the _thumb.* files to the server. It would be a litte extra work, but at least you would have the thumbnails.
  • @ Bergamot: Well finally I installed PHP4 with GD on my OS X iMac. It seems that memory is not an issue for generating thumbnail. My default php.ini has CPU time of 30 sec/script and 8MB memory and it does generate thumbnails of those 15MP photos without modifying those settings (takes little more time thats it). It does stop after generating like 3-4 thumbnails though and I am not able to figure out why. May be its a time out in my browser (safari / firefox) ? even after increasing CPU time to like 300 and memory to 300 etc. the script just quits after a while and does not generate all thumbnails,only 4-5 at a time. So it seems something else is going on with my webhost. And yes, I can always generate thumbnails on my computer and upload them in that folder, but its really inconvenient. I want to use filebrowser when I am on road. My laptop is really slow one , just eought for mail/browsing, so generating thumbnails for lots of photos would pretty much kill it , heheh. Is there any other setting except php.ini limits which can prevent FB thumbnailer script to generate thumbnails ?
  • Well your browser could just be timing out.
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