Theme adding MyCP to every dashboard item

edited January 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hey, first of all thanks for this beautiful theme. I am new to vanilla forums so don't know much about it. But I have an issue with the Fruit theme in dashboard section

When I activate this theme, it adds "My CP" to every dashboard item. Just wondering if that is supposed to be with this theme or something is breaking while activating this theme!

I checked the code through firebug and there is "span My CP" tag with every h4 title.

Testing it on localhost so can't add link here..


  • I have the same problem :(

  • in views\modules\sidemenu.php find

    echo "\n", '<h4>',

    isset($Item['Url']) ? Anchor($Item['Text'], $Item['Url']) : $Item['Text'],

    '<span>My CP</span></h4>';

    and remove the

    <span>My CP</span>

    so it becomes

    echo "\n", '<h4>',

    isset($Item['Url']) ? Anchor($Item['Text'], $Item['Url']) : $Item['Text'],


    or use the file attached but change the name to sidemenu.php!!!!

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