Suggestion : Embed Discussion to Documentation Page
Referring to Vanilla Documentation especially topics listed under header Developer Documentation, I would like to suggest that each of those topics are embedded a thread of discussion.
Readers could point out outdated information or mistakes, so even if the docs itself is not updated people could look for corrections in discussion.
Members could provide additional detail, including screenshots, diagrams, pre-requisites, further clarification, etc.
Just my two cents.
Best Answer
Todd Vanilla Staff
Excellent idea. I've been holding off with the documentation site for a while because I'm starting to think that it each piece of documentation should just be a discussion and then have some way of organizing them with a TOC.
Excellent idea. I've been holding off with the documentation site for a while because I'm starting to think that it each piece of documentation should just be a discussion and then have some way of organizing them with a TOC.
It's good to have discussion.
It's good to have TOC.
It's good for a documentation to have it's own place (not lost in obscurity sunk under thousands of other discussions).
It already have it's own page, and also a TOC, just need some discussion added to it.
Maybe a new category in this forum Tutorial would be a good idea for user submitted Tutorials... If it's on a topic that should be in the Documentation in the first place, an admin could promote it into the Documentation.