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Auto-resize & Manual resize on text box

edited February 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi guys

Firstly, thank you for all the help I've had recently. It's appreciated! :)

I'm using Vanilla on default theme and looking at the text input box for both new discussions and new comments. It auto-scrolls when people are typing, which is great, but many of our targetted users are elderly and frankly get confused when they can't see all their text at once. Using the scroll bar for them can be fiddly.

I like what we have here, with the auto-resizing of the text input box so it gets bigger, rather than scrolling. I'd also like the ability to manually resize it, just like here.

I've searched the forums and it seems this question pops up ocassionally, but is either not answered or relates to a addon issue. Also, nothing pops up when I do an addon search.

How can I achieve the same effect on my forum?

Thanks :)

(NB: I'm still a beginner remember, though learning fast thanks to you guys!)


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