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Stupid contest!

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Grrrr, so today, my parents told me about a "Maine Web Design Contest" for youth, I was interested and went to the website expecting to see some really good entries from some peers. They're horrible, they're the type of sites that make you bang your fist on your desk because they suck so much. Here's what they judge based on - # Layout, Structure, Navigation and Technical Quality (your entry will be automatically DQ'd if you don't have a soopa kewl Flash splash page with soopa kewl moozic) # Content, Subject Matter, Writing (preferabley in the form of images within flash, using text is for people who don't know how to make images and imbed them in flash) # Graphical Content, Use of Media, including Sound (aka FLASH) # Interactivity (aka soopa kewl flash rollovers) # Use of Flash (preferably the whole site it seems) # Best Home/Welcome Page (aka the most annoying splash page) Take a look at the entries and hope they don't crash your browser. Grr, why can't they grade it on cross browser compatibility and loading times.


  • haha. You live in maine? Where abouts? What age are you again?
  • edited March 2006
    I'm 16. I live Blue Hill, ME. Also there's a queer awards ceremony where they prolly jerk off to flash splash pages.
  • It looks more like a flash contest than a web design contest. -- Take a look at the entries and hope they don't crash your browser. Grr, why can't they grade it on cross browser compatibility and loading times. -- Cos FLASH is sooo much cooler! :P
  • edited March 2006
    I agree soopa kewl animations are better than sites that work! Yahoo, Google and Amazon all have the wrong idea - that usability is good. Their model should be changed to Animation=Money. :-p
  • I guess they don't expect young people to be interested in THAT type of design and jsyt want to have fun with 'kewl' sounds and flashy (excuse pun) animations than FLASH is perfect for. AS for the splash/ welcome page. That has no reason what-so-ever to be in there. They are all crap.
  • I'd say that, given the state of web design in Maine, you're lucky they can spell "web design" without drooling all over the keyboard and causing an electrical short.
  • In the Judges book it says "If the website does not look right in your prefered browser, please try another." I don't but about you guys, but none of the sites looked right to me.
  • A random stab in the dark here will ultimatly say, 9 out of 10 HS freshmen know or even care about web standards (these are freshies, right? anyway)... So on a side of leniency, I'll give the past entrants some credit for at least trying :) fact of the matter is that most xhtml strict standards really haven't been as strongly encouraged as they are as of recently. I'm not discounting that they don't look bad according to my standards, but when you're 16, the last thing you should be worrying about is the state of the web, seriously :) In other words, teens today have it god damn good compared to what we had to hack to make any sites like remotely as good as anything today. We also had to walk 10 miles through DOS as part of our education and actually memorize nearly every single windows shortcut command just to finish a 30 page assignment! The highest resolution images you could typically find were 256color gifs because not many monitors at the consumer level supported anything higher! OH THE TORTURE! GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY, DAMNIT! :D
  • </crazyassoldmanrant>
  • I think the sad part is is that they could spend much less time working on their sites if they understood the first thing about design and that it doesn't have to wiggle around make it good.
  • -- but when you're 16, the last thing you should be worrying about is the state of the web, seriously :) -- + -- GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY, DAMNIT! :D -- Agreed!
  • It's 20 degress outside :(. I teach tennis outside all summer, I get plenty of outside time.
  • edited May 2006
    SOOOOOOO, the winner won an iMac for this site - I had a pretty sweet design coming for a burger grilling site, but I only found out about the competition the day before entries were due, sooo.. (ignore the ugly navigation, I had it much more refined in the coded version.)
  • I like the Burger better.. haha "burger better", awesome.
  • I think that the mathmatical formula presented there is a bit backwards :) it should be "cow + bbq = yum". That's just me though.
  • Is it just me or does "old fashioned tasty" sound a tad pervert?
  • Is noone else worried that someone gave away an imac in exchange for of the biogenesis site? I suck at design but thats plain shite.
  • I'm worried as that design is fucking shit. It looks awful and blurry and just, dated. I wish I'd known about the competition.
  • You have to be a Maine teen, hence the reason for the SUPA KEWL winning design. This came in second -
  • That's a big RSS button right there. Can't miss it.

    I think Burger would've won if entered.
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