Trouble with SSO between vanilla install and wordpress

Hi everyone,
I've been through a few different plugins in the last few days and can't get wordrpess to connect with vanilla.
I am currently trying to use the jsconnect plugin.
Here's what I did:
1) I unzipped and uploaded jsconnect plugin via FTP to the vanilla plugins folder.
I used this plugin
2) I enabled it in vanilla backend and went to settings.
3) I entered in the necessary info in the settings but I'm confused about:
a) the Authenticate URL - the info page at tells me that I need to use the client library. I got the file from github and was going to upload to vanilla plugins folder / jsconnect but the file already exists. Am I supposed to put the same file somewhere else?
b) I wasn't sure what to do so I pointed the Authenticat URL in the vanilla backend jsconnect plugin settings to the exists jsconnect.functions.php file.
That didn't work.
4) I then saw a WP Vanilla Connect Plugin that uses the jsconnect plugin. Am I supposed to have both of these installed? jsconnect plugin in the backend of Vanilla and WP Vanilla Connect in the backend of WP?
5) I did that and now the "Sign in with (mysite)" shows up on the vanilla login page but it goes to a bonk page when I click on it.
a) do I have the settings wrong in the backend of the Vanilla jsconnect plugin? I matched the information according to what the WP Vanilla Connect plugin told me but I'm still not sure what to put for the Authenticate URL field?
In the backend of the WP Vanilla Connect plugin it tells me to point to the location of the php file given by the WP VC plugin, in the WP VC plugin folder.
What am I supposed to use for the Authenticate URL field?
6) For the Sign In URL the WP VC plugin says:
This is your WordPress Login with Vanilla Redirect URL
Add the URL that points to the root of your Vanilla forums to generate the jsConnect URL.
I did this and I'm still getting the Bonk message. Is this field supposed to be the URL that people go to in order to log in to my site? Or is this supposed the path to the vanilla install I uploaded via FTP?
7) I'm stuck. I really want the forum to work with my existing wordpress users because the forum itself is awesome. I just can't seem to get it SSO with my wordpress site.
What should I do? I couldn't really get the embed thing to work either. If I use and SSO, do I really need to embed vanilla also?
I'm still working with the jsconnect plugin and the WP Vanilla Connect plugin.
Do I need to use both of these?
ok, through other forums i found that I do need these two plugins.
I've installed, I left the cookie info set at default, do I need to change that?
I'm still getting a bonk message when I click the Sign in as (name from wp site).
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
how do i find out my cookie name and path?
Also, the field that says domain, is that the same domain as my vanilla root install, i.e. for me that is a subdirectory at
this is my third day of scouring forums looking for an answer as to why this won't work, does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
i have reinstalled, done everything from scratch, and I'm still getting bonk. what else can i do to get this to work?
It's happend with me too, i guess i ll give up vanilla forums...
that might be the best idea, unless you decide to read the documentation on errors and perhaps - read these links..
me toos. don't really help anyone. you should report errors, and right intelligible questions and repond with descriptive errors., your version of vanilla , and plugins. Until then you will be at a loss, since vanilla is superb forum software and the volunteers, can usually solve problems, given reasonable information, as long as the poster reads documentation and follows instructions.
and i posted a few more threads worth reading.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I can't get the oven to roast my beef, I guess I will give up eating...
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