Portal, and whats keeping me from switching.

edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So far I think vanilla is pretty wickedly coded. I love it so far. What is keeping me switching my newly made phpBB/mxBB site over to vanilla while my userbase is still only staff? 1) No portal, not like mxBB at least. The center point of my site is on the user - I would need a lot more profile mods. I am sure they will come though. 2) No Calendar, yes - vanilla is baby new! not even 1.0.0 yet. Still, its something that I think should be implemented (been to http://30boxes.com/ ?). 3) Less content on the index page, the few most recently posted articles under decided categories and a poll. I look forward to vanilla, I really see it as being what is the next hot bb - but phpBB isn't to far off of being 3.0.0 still, it won't be ajax - and ajax will soon be the new standard. I nod my head to you sirs for being one step ahead, and exactly where you will need to be. I can't wait to see where you guys are at in a few weeks.


  • I built a calendar for mine, but it's not in a state to be easily extensionified.
  • is that cos it's so damn hard to write extensionified ?
  • It's mainly because it's very much specifically tailored for my needs. A general purpose calendar would need a bunch of features that were completely unnecessary to me, so I'd have to write them but never use them. Also, my code, while not the messiest thing on earth, is not as clean as I'd like it to be.
  • Just in case somebody is reading this and is considering building some of these features... I personally think that software is best left in clear modular form. Mark has done a great job now in making vanilla's tables easy to manipulate so that you can have several systems using the same tables. Rather than build a calendar into Vanilla, why not take an open source calendar project and write a bridge so that the two systems can talk to each other? Similarly, for a CMS I think you should work on integrations, rather than trying to rebuild the wheel.
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