Portal, and whats keeping me from switching.
So far I think vanilla is pretty wickedly coded. I love it so far. What is keeping me switching my newly made phpBB/mxBB site over to vanilla while my userbase is still only staff?
1) No portal, not like mxBB at least. The center point of my site is on the user - I would need a lot more profile mods. I am sure they will come though.
2) No Calendar, yes - vanilla is baby new! not even 1.0.0 yet. Still, its something that I think should be implemented (been to http://30boxes.com/ ?).
3) Less content on the index page, the few most recently posted articles under decided categories and a poll.
I look forward to vanilla, I really see it as being what is the next hot bb - but phpBB isn't to far off of being 3.0.0 still, it won't be ajax - and ajax will soon be the new standard.
I nod my head to you sirs for being one step ahead, and exactly where you will need to be.
I can't wait to see where you guys are at in a few weeks.
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