I'm having a problem validating the WP plugin. Can anyone help me with cURL?
I e-mail my host to double check that we have cURL installed, and this was the reply I received:
Curl is already enabled for your account and there are no limitations on the server. Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
So, I'm thinking that although the reason the WP plugin can't validate the address is probably cURL related, I'm not really capable of fixing it, or it's not something I am prepared to fix myself - it could be a compatibility issue with the newest version of WP, et cetera.
If anyone can help me troubleshoot this, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
Best Answers
Mark Vanilla Staff
Have you gotten the latest version of the plugin from wordpress (released a couple of days ago)?
In the latest version, it doesn't force you to validate the url - if it is correct and you know it, you can just save and be done with it regardless of curl.
But if curl is enabled and functioning properly, you might just be entering the url incorrectly.
there is no curl in this plugin. It is a simple iframe based system.
grep is your friend.
tbh embedding is overrated. Why not let vanilla shine on it own?
You can create blank page in wordpress, and then use rewrites to route to vanilla.
It is not exactly hard to style appropriately, and you will get better SEO.
grep is your friend.
Thanks for answering.
What I'm referring to is the cURL in the WP plugin that this addon instructs you to download for Wordpress embeds.
I pretty much agree with you. It's a headache, and it mostly looks horrible in mobile. However, for example, this website makes it look really great.
I think at this point its a matter of pride. I want to make something do what I tell it too, because I'm a (stubborn) man. /flex
If there was an easy way to give a Wordpress (or even handmade html site) the same header, I would be all over it. I've gotten so over my head trying to make something unimportant happen that I haven't even looked into that option.
Have you gotten the latest version of the plugin from wordpress (released a couple of days ago)?
In the latest version, it doesn't force you to validate the url - if it is correct and you know it, you can just save and be done with it regardless of curl.
But if curl is enabled and functioning properly, you might just be entering the url incorrectly.
It won't validate with any URL, even after fresh installs of basically everything (plugins, Vanilla, Wordpress, you name it). I think because of the failed validation, I was afraid to dive any further into the options the WP plugin provides. I guess if it's no longer a problem I can just go crazy now and test out all the options - but I'm leaning towards x00's instructions to ditch embedding, at least for the time being. I'm only just building my site now, anyway. Thank you very much for your answer.
there is some curl gotchas check disable_functions
grep is your friend.
That was one of the threads I scoured efore making my own post. When I did that, there was nothing in the disable section, but I'll mail my host again and see if they have any ideas. Thanks