Importing phpbb3 to Vanilla issues with quotes and smilies

reedcreedc New
edited February 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

My phpbb3 import into vanilla goes perfectly, except all the bbcode seems only half touched. The vanilla import makes all the bbcode show up with just the first bracket and not the closing one.

I thought vanilla supported converting the bbcode to work in vanilla. Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix all this broken bbcode all over my forum?

Also, I'm not sure if vanilla imports smilies but if not is there some fix I can do? Either set up an "old smilies" image folder and direct the simlie code to those images, or maybe even get rid the old smilies code so they dont show up? I'm importing a pretty decent amount of posts so I really dont want 1000s of broken images all over my forum where similes used to be.


Best Answer


  • Which importer did you use?

  • Hi all.

    I just had the same problem as @reedc... with BBCode and Smilies from phpBB3.

    The NBBCPlugin link is not working. How can I fix both problems?

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Fixed the link.

  • altairpsaltairps New
    edited November 2012

    Thank you. I downloaded and installed.

    But if I enable this plugin the html tags dont work. Should I config something else?

    Also, the smilies from phpBB3 still not showing. I see a big problem to fix because it calling a specific URL from phpbb3 for example:

    Sorry my doubts, I'm very new in Vanilla... I just did the migration yesterday and I'm testing on a different folder intalation before launch to all my users

  • phpBB, has many quirks with pre parsing, not always consistent. that is why you need to filter an cleanse that data before pre import.

    Here is my version of the porter with some phpBB fixes.

    also arbitrary search and replace. You will have to host the smiles, and then ensure you point it.

    grep is your friend.

  • altairpsaltairps New
    edited November 2012

    @x00 your porter worked very well with BBCodes and smiles (there still one or other that dont appear) but I still have problem with quotes.

    I choose to convert all BBCode to HTML formating and the quotes appear without show the username quoted... for example:

    There 3 messages quoted but no one show the username of the original post

    (Sorry my english)

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited November 2012

    grep is your friend.

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