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Discussions and Routing Question

talaysentalaysen New
edited March 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Fresh install of Vanilla,
When clicking on a Discussion title, it always takes you to the very last post in the thread. Same thing with routed items.

Is there a way I can make it always direct users to the first comment/post in a thread?
(This is particularly important to me for the pages that I'm using routes, as I need users to see the content in the first post before they reply).

Thanks a bunch!

Best Answer

  • jspautschjspautsch ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Technically it always takes you to the first UNREAD post, so if they're reading a discussion for the first time it should take them to the subject post so they can read it. Afterwards it will take them to the end. Doesn't that work?


  • jspautschjspautsch ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Technically it always takes you to the first UNREAD post, so if they're reading a discussion for the first time it should take them to the subject post so they can read it. Afterwards it will take them to the end. Doesn't that work?

  • talaysentalaysen New
    edited March 2012

    Wow, I wasn't aware that was how it functioned,

    but that makes absolute and perfect sense. :D

    Thanks so much.

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