Breadcrumbs Not Working — Only shows 'Home' link everywhere
I added a breadcrumb to my theme by adding the following in default.master.php, right below the
<div id="Body">
<?php echo Gdn_Theme::Breadcrumbs(); ?>
It seems to be working, but only 'Home' link is shown on every page. Take a look (notice the un-styled 'Home' link? That's the only thing I see even on the topic page.)
Any help? Am I doing it wrong?
Best Answer
elpas0 New
try this
<div id="Breadcrumbs"><?php echo Gdn_Theme::Breadcrumbs( $this->Data('Breadcrumbs') ) ?></div>
try this
<div id="Breadcrumbs"><?php echo Gdn_Theme::Breadcrumbs( $this->Data('Breadcrumbs') ) ?></div>
@epas0 Thanks for that, exactly what I was looking for!